Better Lawns and Gardens - Hour 1 - Growing Greens October 24, 2020
Season 2, Episode 48, Oct 24, 2020, 02:34 PM
Better Lawns and Gardens, Florida's most popular gardening show with gardening experts, Tom MacCubbin and Teresa Watkins.
Better Lawns and Gardens Hour #1 Planting and growing cool-season greens, cabbage, collards, kale, lettuce with Ed Thralls, Orange County Extension Residential Horticultural agent. #Gardening experts Tom MacCubbin and Teresa Watkins answers your questions about dying cactus, mushrooms, nematodes and onions, night-blooming jasmine pests, St. Augustinegrass preventative fungus control with new sod, carpetgrass control. and more.
October In Your Backyard Newsletter is out!
Listen to Better Lawns and Gardens every Saturday 7am - 9am EST.
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October In Your Backyard Newsletter is out!
Listen to Better Lawns and Gardens every Saturday 7am - 9am EST.
#WFLF #WFLA #FNN #BetterLawns #gardening #Florida #planting #gardeninglife #podcast #radio #southflorida #northflorida #betterlawns #centralflorida #tropicals #October #floridalife #photography #UF #she #Georgia #news