St. Petersburg Foodies Podcast 10-27-20: Interview with Brian & Lindsay Rosegger of Lost Coast Oyster Co.
Season 1, Episode 4077, Oct 30, 2020, 09:48 PM
Welcome to the St. Petersburg Foodies Podcast Episode 113! On today's episode, we interview Brian & Lindsay Rosegger from the Lost Coast Oyster Co. St. Pete is all about local, and these are the only local oysters available in St. Pete. They are some of the best oysters we've ever had, and they usually sell out fast. Find out where you can get them during the interview, to either take home, or eat at restaurants. Two days from now, Thursday, October 29th there is an event at Alto Mare that you'll hear about, along with everything you ever need to know about oysters. So, take a listen, and then you can impress your friends with all of your amazing oyster knowledge. Also on this episode, join us for lunch at Greenstock for the best salads or wraps you'll find right in the heart of downtown St. Pete. #oysters #stpere #florida #tampabay #radio #radiostpete