Better Lawns and Gardens - Hour 2 Holiday Plant Success! November 7, 2020
Season 2, Episode 51, Nov 08, 2020, 06:18 PM
Better Lawns and Gardens Hour #2 – Lance Walheim, Bioadvanced spokesperson updates Tom MacCubbin and Teresa Watkins on the wildfires, citrus harvest in California and how to succeed with holiday plants. Tom and Teresa’s favorite foliage plants. Discussion questions include fungal gnats, tomatoes with root nematodes, crapemyrtle pruning, Italian cypress pest issues, coleus, out-of-state pine tree, green beans struggling, peach tree pruning, roach control in containers, full sun flowers for containers, Fuya persimmon, root-bound orchids, lemon tree, and more.
Photo Credit: Tom MacCubbin, Perfect Holiday Plants
Photo Credit: Tom MacCubbin, Perfect Holiday Plants
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