Abbeycast - A podcast from Westminster Abbey for the Feast of Christ the King

Nov 22, 2020, 09:00 AM

A podcast from Westminster Abbey for the Feast of Christ the King.

This 16 minute service includes an introit, prayers, a reading, an address, music and a blessing, recorded this week on the Abbey's magnificent Cosmati pavement in front of the High Altar.
Introduced by the Reverend Dr James Hawkey, Canon Theologian
Address by the Reverend Mark Birch, Minor Canon and Precentor 
Reader: David Fugurally, Department for Education, Fellow of Westminster Abbey Institute 
Introit: Sergei Rachmaninoff To thee, O Lord
Introduction: Canon Hawkey
Reading: Matthew 25: 31–46 David Fugurally
Address: The Reverend Mark Birch 
Anthem: Benjamin Britten Hymn of St Columba
Prayers and Blessing: Canon Hawkey 
Music: Recorded earlier this week in the Abbey by the Choir of Westminster Abbey and conducted by James O’Donnell. 
This podcast was recorded with all contributors observing social distancing.