ST2 #13 - LucasArts Part 1 - Star Wars (w/Paul Webb, Clint Bajakian & Peter McConnell) [COMPOSER INTERVIEW / PODCAST]

Episode 113,   Nov 27, 2020, 07:00 PM

No movie franchise has made a bigger impact on gaming than Star Wars, which boasts well over a hundred separate releases for practically every system that has ever existed. Adaptations of the much loved original trilogy, and its later sequels, have grown in sophistication with each passing year.

Since LucasArts was founded in 1982 by George Lucas himself, its connection to Star Wars runs deep. Therefore, their releases have always been celebrated as authentic and rich expansions on established lore, through loving storylines, varied gameplay and, naturally, incredible audio.

To help explore the franchise’s early days, I spoke to Paul Webb – best known for his work on Super Star Wars. From there, you can’t discuss the further growth of LucasArts through the 90s, and on into the naughties, without Clint Bajakian – and Peter McConnell – who both also composed for Indiana Jones. Between the four of us, we’ll cover the sound of Star Wars adaptations from the Nintendo Entertainment System up to the PlayStation 1 and PCs, when CD audio took over from chiptune.

Lee Tyrrell on Twitter:

Paul Webb on YouTube:

Clint Bajakian on Twitter:

Peter McConnell on Twitter:

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