PEL Presents NEM#135: Peter Milton Walsh (The Apartments): No Assembly-Line Recording
Peter started The Apartments in Australia in the late '70s and has been its only consistent member. After releasing his first full album in 1985 and being featured on a John Hughes soundtrack, he released four lush, moody albums in the '90s but then retired when family tragedy struck until the late '00s; he's had four releases since 2011.
We discuss "What's Beauty to Do?" and "Where You Used to Be" from In And Out Of The Light (2020), then "Sunset Hotel" from Fete Foraine (1996), and finally listen to "Looking for Another Town" from No Song, No Spell, No Madrigal (2015). Intro: "Help" from the Return of the Hypnotist EP (1979). More at
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