1-2-21: "The Cinema Clash" w/ Hannah Buchdahl and Charlie Juhl airs on RadioStPete Online Saturdays at 5:15pm and Sundays 12:15pm.
Season 1, Episode 4215, Jan 04, 2021, 01:28 PM
Film Reviews, #billandtedfacethemusic, #boysstate, #careymulligan, #extraordinary, #hamilton, #loversrock, #maraineysblackbottom, #minari, #nomadland, #ordinarylove, #promisingyoungwoman, #smallaxe, #soundofmetal, #sylvieslove, #thebrokenheartsgallery, #theclimb, #theoutpost, #theprom, #thetrialofthechicago7, #thevastofnight
On this special edition of The Cinema Clash: Hannah and Charlie reveal their respective picks for best movies of 2020. Let the countdown - and the clash - begin!#movies #tampabay #radio #radiostpete #charliejuhl #hanahbuch #thecinemaclash #cinemaclash