EP33: "Welcome to Florida:" Kelvin Hair and the Florida Highwaymen
Season 1, Episode 4303, Feb 13, 2021, 01:53 PM
This week's episode begins with Craig Pittman putting Ron DeSantis in the crosshairs over the governor's big talk and small action on protecting the state's water. If you'd like to learn more about the state's water quality problems, what causes them, what can be done to fix them, a previous episode all about the Floridan Aquifer does so in depth. This week's guest is artist Kelvin Hair. Kelvin is the son of Alfred Hair, one of the original, legendary, Florida Highwaymen painters. The Florida Highwaymen are the subject of an exhibition on now at the Tampa Museum of Art through March 28. Chadd Scott reviewed the show previously when it was in Orlando. #florida #floriahistory #stpetecatalyst #tampabay #radio #radiostpeteĀ