Better Lawns and Gardens - Hour 2 Container Gardens with the Hoosier Gardener March 6, 2021

Season 2, Episode 79,   Mar 07, 2021, 02:22 AM


Better Lawns and Gardens, Florida's most popular gardening show with gardening experts, Tom MacCubbin and Teresa Watkins.

Better Lawns and Gardens Hour #2 – Gardening experts Teresa Watkins and Tom MacCubbin interview Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp, the Hoosier Gardener about creating container gardens. Conversations and garden questions include orchids, dividing liriope, palm tree choice for North Florida, Red Buckeye trees, coontie leaf drop, brassicas, pine fines, spraying fruit trees while blooming, bell pepper seeds, pruning arbicola 'Trinette' shrubs, and more.

Photo Credit: Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp

Listen to Better Lawns and Gardens every Saturday 7am - 9am EST. 
Call in with your garden questions 407.916.5400, 1.888.45.LAWNS, or text 23680. 
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