Conversations with Oscar: Nomadland

Season 4, Episode 132,   Apr 08, 2021, 01:00 PM

Nomadland is a quiet, stunning film showcasing part of America we didn't know existed. Full of beautiful cinematography and gorgeous music, Francis McDormand is so natural in the role that it feels like she isn't even acting. What did you think of Nomadland? Let us know on twitter and instagram.

Read the script here.

#Nomadland #BestPicture #FrancisMcDormand #ChloeZhao #BestActress #BestDirecting #BestAdaptedScreenplay #BestFilmEditing #BestCinematography #ConversationsWithOscar #Oscars2021 #AcademyAwards #Oscars #OscarNoms