Getting Vaccinated and Helping Our Communities ft. Orit Hodarkovsky

Season 3, Episode 16,   Apr 13, 2021, 09:00 AM

This week, Liz and Sarah speak with Orit Hodardovsky. Orit partnered with the Go Campaign to launch two collections of streetwear: #GetVaxxed and #IGotVaxxed apparel. Orit’s goal is to encourage people to learn about vaccinations so they can make the educated choice to care for their own health while helping countless others. GO Campaign improves the lives of vulnerable children around the world by partnering with local heroes to deliver local solutions. GO Campaign connects donors to high-impact grassroots projects aimed at changing lives and transforming communities, one child at a time.

Use code ITSFINEIMFINE15 for 15% off all orders at Exclusively for It's Fine I'm Fine podcast listeners, 100% of the proceeds from products purchased with promo code ITSFINEIMFINE15 will be donated directly to the Go Campaign.