Conversations with Oscar: The Father

Season 4, Episode 135,   Apr 21, 2021, 01:00 PM

WE DID IT! The roomies have watched all of this years Best Picture nominees!

This week on our Conversations with Oscar series we reviewed the The Father. A heart pounding take on a familiar story driven by a innovative screenplay and clever editing. The three of us seemed to be pleasantly surprised by the execution of this tale. Anthony Hopkins gives a masterclass in acting.

What did you think of The Father? Let us know on twitter and Instagram and read the script here.

See ya on Oscar night!

#TheFather #BestPicture #BestActor #BestSupportingActress #BestAdaptedScreenplay #BestProductionDesign #BestFilmEditing #AnthonyHopkins #OliviaColeman #ConversationsWithOscar #Oscars2021 #AcademyAwards #Oscars #OscarNoms