What does the Royal Family represent to an Englishman? @SebGorka #AmericaFirst
Apr 23, 2021, 12:29 AM
Photo: The British Royal Family, 1914-1918.
Queen Mary and Queen Alexandra turn to smile for the camera as they look at the work on display during the private view of an exhibition of naval photographs, 21 July 1918. The exhibition is being held at Princes Gallery, Piccadilly. In the background, Princess Mary and King George V (wearing a top hat) can be clearly seen.
Queen Mary and Queen Alexandra turn to smile for the camera as they look at the work on display during the private view of an exhibition of naval photographs, 21 July 1918. The exhibition is being held at Princes Gallery, Piccadilly. In the background, Princess Mary and King George V (wearing a top hat) can be clearly seen.
The New John Batchelor Show
CBS Audio Network
What does the Royal Family represent to an Englishman? @SebGorka #AmericaFirst