Happy Thanksgiving!
This week, we were supposed to interview a very exciting guest who asked us to postpone the conversation because he thinks there may be some exciting news to share with us in about a month. While we are unable to record anything with him this week, Victor and I look forward to hearing his news and sharing it with you. Instead, today, we want to spend a few minutes thanking you, our wonderful listeners, for tuning in to our podcast for over 5 months now. As you know, this podcast launched with the mission of making politics accessible, engaging, and relevant for all generations with Victor and I asking questions from the perspective of vastly different generations. With Thanksgiving upon us, Jill and I are grateful for each of you for sparing 30 minutes or an hour each week to listen to our episodes and for your kind words on social media. As we head into December and the new administration, we know that the activism and involvement from all generations will be critical to building t...
Intergenerational Politics is a podcast created by Jill Wine-Banks and Victor Shi dedicated to engaging all generations in politics with weekly unfiltered conversations with experts across the nation. Be sure to subscribe to and rate us on Apple Podcasts. You can also find us on Spotify or any other podcast streaming services.
Intergenerational Politics on social media:
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/intergenerational-politics/id1522241906
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Intrgenpolitics
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/intergenpoliticspodcast/