S3 Ep8: Representation Is Inspiration - Captain Donald Lawson

May 03, 2021, 03:00 AM

This week's episode is all about dreaming big, no matter what the obstacles in your way might be.

I have the great pleasure of talking to Captain Donald Lawson about his dream to be the first African American to compete in the epic and perilous Vendée Globe Non-Stop-Solo-Round-The-World yacht race in 2024.

His course towards this epic voyage was set at the age of 9 when he found himself on a large sailboat, talking to the captain about the fact this boat could go all the way around the world. Since that day, this has been Donald's passion and purpose.

He is a highly qualified and experienced sailor and instructor - spending time with the US Navy. Indeed, he calls sailing the greatest teacher there is.

But he's the thing. As a man of colour, this path was not an obvious one and sometimes not one encouraged by other yacht club members, as you'll hear. Captain Lawson acknowledges the vital role in his development of allies and mentors such as legendary US sailor, Bruce Schwab. Indeed, if you'd like to see some video of life in The Southern Ocean - check out this film of Bruce talking about his Vendee experience - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2OhD7nY6GY

When you consider how few people have since the Vendee Glove began in 1989, only 71 sailors have successfully completed the course. You get a sense of just how tough and demanding Donald's voyage will be. But armed with the mojo he has, and the support of loved ones, friends and an amazing support team at Whitecap Sailing You wouldn't want to bet against him.

Donald is breaking down barriers each step of his way - those in the ocean from Mother Nature and also those imposed by a society where so few people of colour have been encouraged to sail.

You can follow Captain Lawson's progress to his goals via his Instagram @captdlawson and his Facebook @CaptainDonaldLawson

Remember: Dream, Believe, Do.

I really enjoyed this chat - hope you enjoy it too. Please do remember to subscribe, rate and write a short review.

Richard x

The Mojo Podcast
Hosted by leadership coach Richard Stokes from Ibiza
@mojorichard on Instagram

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