Better Lawns and Gardens - Hour 2 Edible Education Experience April 24, 2021

Season 2, Episode 87,   May 02, 2021, 12:54 AM


Better Lawns and Gardens, Florida's most popular gardening show with gardening experts, Tom MacCubbin and Teresa Watkins. http://www/

Better Lawns and Gardens Hour #2 –  Gardening experts, Teresa Watkins and Tom MacCubbin interview Brad Jones, co-founder of the Edible Education Experience  and the Emeril Lagasse Foundation Kitchen House and Culinary Garden in College Park, Florida.  Gardening questions and texts, include self-pollinating gardens, Knock-out and Drift roses, soil amendments, mosquitos, mango and avocadoes, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, bamboo, white spots on lemons,  and more.
Photo Credit: Teresa Watkins

Listen to Better Lawns and Gardens every Saturday 7am - 9am EST. 
Call in with your garden questions 407.916.5400, 1.888.45.LAWNS, or text 23680. 
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