Alive in Nature! An Invitation (The Dharma Toolkit, Episode 39)
Episode 414, May 03, 2021, 10:20 PM
Walk with us over the hills of the Scottish Highlands in the company of the wild creatures of the forest - and join us for a special live series of events to bring nature back into your world at home!
A special episode of the podcast to invite you to Alive In Nature! - a series of live meditations and Dharma adventures from the Scottish Highlands!
Find our more and reserve your space on Alive In Nature!
For three Saturdays in spring or autumn - whichever hemisphere you are in, whatever state of lockdown you're living through - you're invited to sit with us and the amazing team from the Dhanakosa community in the birch woods of the Scottish Highlands. And to find your own "micro-adventure" in nature - in your own way, at your own pace (even if it's looking out your window!).
By way of introduction to this experience, in this episode we go on a walk over the hillside at Balquhidder in the beautiful Trossachs region. The burn (brook) runs down the mountain through cataracts and waterfalls to the loch (lake) below; the snow in the pine forest crunches underfoot as we climb with Nayaka to a place of owls and foxes and roe deer...
As he walks, Nayaka reflects on his own experience of a reciprocated relationship with nature, where our own being is invited in. A relationship in which our aliveness and the aliveness of the world around us are not two separate things; where letting go can happen, where emergence can arise.
The sense of love and sheer delight is so strong here - and you are invited in!
Come to Alive in Nature!
Watch later on YouTube
Check out our Dharma Toolkit space for details of all we have on offer to help you stay inspired through the pandemic and beyond!
Come meditate with us six days a week!
Theme music by Ackport! Used with kind permission.
#coronavirus #Covid19 #crisis #pandemic #Buddhism #Buddhist #Buddha #Dharma #Triratna #community #sangha #meditation #nature #naturalworld #Scotland #Highlands
Find our more and reserve your space on Alive In Nature!
For three Saturdays in spring or autumn - whichever hemisphere you are in, whatever state of lockdown you're living through - you're invited to sit with us and the amazing team from the Dhanakosa community in the birch woods of the Scottish Highlands. And to find your own "micro-adventure" in nature - in your own way, at your own pace (even if it's looking out your window!).
By way of introduction to this experience, in this episode we go on a walk over the hillside at Balquhidder in the beautiful Trossachs region. The burn (brook) runs down the mountain through cataracts and waterfalls to the loch (lake) below; the snow in the pine forest crunches underfoot as we climb with Nayaka to a place of owls and foxes and roe deer...
As he walks, Nayaka reflects on his own experience of a reciprocated relationship with nature, where our own being is invited in. A relationship in which our aliveness and the aliveness of the world around us are not two separate things; where letting go can happen, where emergence can arise.
The sense of love and sheer delight is so strong here - and you are invited in!
Come to Alive in Nature!
Watch later on YouTube
Check out our Dharma Toolkit space for details of all we have on offer to help you stay inspired through the pandemic and beyond!
Come meditate with us six days a week!
Theme music by Ackport! Used with kind permission.
#coronavirus #Covid19 #crisis #pandemic #Buddhism #Buddhist #Buddha #Dharma #Triratna #community #sangha #meditation #nature #naturalworld #Scotland #Highlands