Empowerment through Vision with Dr. Nathan Bonilla-Warford, OD, FAAO, FCOVD, FIAOMC

Season 1, Episode 17,   May 12, 2021, 05:18 PM

Vision Therapy is more than meets the eye. Join Wendy Taylor, M.Ed., and Dr. Nathan Bonilla-Warford as they dive into the individualized care of vision therapy, identify indicators for when it’s needed, and discuss the benefits of treatment for those who are challenged visually!


https://www.brighteyestampa.com/elearning/ - Guide originally for parents with kids who are e-learning, but good for all kids to reduce eyestrain from computers.

https://www.covd.org/page/QOLStart  - Has a visual symptom survey,  information about many visual conditions, and how to locate a doctor who specializes in these near you.