22 July 2018 | Electrify Canada To Install Fast Chargers, Elon Musk’s Good Week vs Bad Week and Hyundai Sonata PHEV Price Drop
VW Group Canada Forms ‘Electrify Canada' To Install Ultra-Fast Electric Vehicle Chargers | 2018 Hyundai Sonata Plug-In Hybrid Drops Base Price By $1,350 | A Week To Forget For Elon? | More Details On Porsche Turbo Chargers
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Well good morning, good afternoon and good evening, wherever you are in the world, hello and welcome to the Sunday 22nd July edition of EV News Daily. It’s Martyn Lee here with the news you need to know about electric cars and the move towards sustainable transport.
Got a few new supporters to say hi to at the end of the show, and a massive gathering of EV drivers this weekend, I’ll fill you in after the news.
- "Volkswagen Group Canada announced the formation of Electrify Canada, a new company that will build an ultra-fast electric vehicle (EV) direct current (DC) charging network across Canada. The EV chargers will be operational by the second quarter of 2019." according to Eric Waltz at Future Car: "Electrify Canada is an extension of Volkswagen's Electrify America, created as catalyst to promote the adoption of electric vehicles in retribution for the 2015 ‘dieselgate scandal' where VW admitted it tampered with diesel vehicle software in order to bypass stringent emissions requirements. Earlier this year, Electrify America announced plans to construct the largest EV charging network in the U.S., eventually exceeding the size of Telsa's planned Supercharger network. The initial plan includes the installation of 32 EV charging stations near major highways and in major metro areas including British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec. Each charging site will have four chargers on average and use the non-proprietary DC fast charging technologies (CCS and CHAdeMO)."
- "Electrify Canada's EV charging power will range from 150kW to 350kW, offering rapid charging. The higher 350kW is suitable for longer range, larger battery vehicles that are expected to come to market over the next several years."
- "Hyundai released pricing for the refreshed 2018 Sonata Hybrid back in April, but information about its plug-in-hybrid sibling was nowhere to be found -- until today." reports Andrew Krok at CNET.com: "Hyundai has finally released pricing for the 2018 Sonata Plug-In Hybrid. It will start at $33,250, which is $1,350 cheaper than last year's base price. But it's not like standard equipment has decreased. It mates a 2.0-liter Atkinson-cycle gas I4 to a 9.8-kWh battery and a 67-horsepower electric motor. Its 28-mile range on battery alone is 1 mile higher than last year. The battery can charge to full in less than three hours on a 240-volt Level 2 charger."
- Or maybe not...according to Wired.com
- "Earlier this month, German car rental company Nextmove set a new range record in a Model 3, covering 622 miles on a single charge—more than twice the promised figure. OK, so they did it on a track, averaging just 22 mph, and with the car's Autopilot system working the steering and pedals. (They sat a dummy in the car for the 28-hour slog.)"
- "Munro & Associates reversed its findings. After completing its tear-down of the vehicle, it found Tesla could make about 30 percent profit on each vehicle, better than any other electric car. “I have to eat crow,” Sandy Munro told Autoline Network."
- "Tesloop which offers rides between cities in southern California and Nevada, published a blog post this week saying its Model S 90D had passed 400,000 miles and transported thousands of passengers. That certainly makes it one of the world's best-traveled Teslas, and Tesloop says the seats and interior have held up well."
- I would add to that Tweets from Elon including 5,000 new Model 3 reservations and 2,000 Model S and X reservations.
- And Elon saying "We gave up some grip and width in exchange for range. I would recommend stickier tires and wider on the rear for best performance" so that could bring the 0-60 time down to 3.3secs
- Plus Marques Brownlee getting to drive the Model 3 Performance.
- And Business Insider says Tesla will report it's earnings in a few weeks (I'll help them out with a specific date, Q2 2018 Reporting Date: August 1, 2018 maybe going to ir.tesla.com was a step too far for them). But they do say: "Tesla could lose 50% of its pre-orders for the Model 3 and still have 200,000 on the books. And sustaining production for the vehicle at a modest 2,000 per week still means about $5 billion in additional annual revenue. That's a tsunami of cash on the way for Tesla. For the bears, it's clear that wagering on the bad news has been sucker's bet."
- But here's something which makes me a bit sad. WSJ have been strong critics of Tesla for years, but when Pullitzer Prize winning writer Dan Neil drove a Performance this week, he was blown away. Seriously impressed. But then those who are desperate to see TEsla fail took to the internet. "Out of control #Tesla short sellers harassed a well-respected journalist into deleting his Twitter account after wrote a positive review of the #Model3. They swamped WSJ's Dan Neil with hundreds of tweets in less than a day."
- "After hours of harassment from short sellers over trivial things like why he hasn't test driven the barely available I-Pace (especially given that this is his first review of the Model 3), Dan Neil deleted his Twitter account."
- So they're criticising him for NOT taking a free junket, at Jaguar's expense, to e wined and dined and given the VIP treatment to write glowing words about the I-PACE, but a long time Tesla critics admits he was wrong and is personally attacked? C'mon internet!
- John Rosevear from Fool.com can come across as a bit savage towards Tesla on Twitter but then when he writes, is very knowledge and even handed: "[Porsche has] developed a key piece of new technology for Porsche's upcoming electric vehicles. While the electric Porsches will be able to recharge using the common CCS DC Fast recharging standard, they'll also accept proprietary Porsche "Turbo Chargers" that operate at 800 volts, twice the industry standard."
- "Porsche's dealers will have Turbo Chargers available, some other sites may install them -- and Porsche may offer them to owners for home installation. In fact, the first two Porsche Turbo Chargers are already installed and working, at a Porsche dealership near Berlin."
EVs In The Park. Matthew Nichols. .@EVNewsDaily please give a mention to the success of @EVsInThePark 2018, one of the largest gathering of pure electric vehicles in the UK (over 100+), weather and chat was great! Well done @RenaultZoeClub Craig Tonge for organising this event.
And secondly for those who listen in Vancouver, hope you enjoyed the Eco and Science Fair on Fraser Street yesterday. The free event featured the ‘Solo’ electric commuter car on the Meccanica Test Drive Track, plus cars from Tesla, Volkswagen, and Chevrolet.
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