Insight Podcast: Harnessing climate finance for sustainable development

May 27, 2021, 11:30 AM

The climate crisis is one of the biggest challenges facing humanity, with the threat to the most vulnerable and exposed populations in developing economies especially acute.

Given the scale of the challenge, climate finance for private sector development is critical to helping these countries, not only mitigate the worst effects of climate change, but also adapt and build resilience against future impacts.

Join us for a conversation with economist and sustainable development expert, Hans Peter Lankes where we look ahead to the pivotal COP26 conference later this year and discuss the role of climate finance in tackling the crisis.

Hans Peter, who until recently was Vice President of Economics and Private Sector Development at the International Finance Corporation, shares his insights on how development finance actors. impact investors and policy makers can accelerate action and enable critical climate focussed private sector investment in the countries that need it the most.

The event is chaired by CDC’s Head of External Affairs, Colin Buckley and Climate Strategy Director Amal-Lee Amin.

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