DCC. Meth With Bonita (Derek Gaines, Brendan Sagalow And Tracey Carnazzo)

Jun 07, 2021, 04:00 AM

Derek Gaines, Brendan Sagalow and Tracey Carnazzo join Zac Amico and discuss Zac perfecting the "Karen" email, the high school football coaches suspended for making a Jewish student eat a pepperoni pizza, the school that gave a lecture about porn to teenagers, high school stories, the Australian cop caught groping a 13 year old, Little Women Of Atlanta, the Walmart employee that knocked out a customer, the husband who killed his wife on a cruise, their own cruise experiences, a special Happy Birthday to Brendan and so much more!

(Air Date: June 4th, 2021)

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Derek Gaines, Brendan Sagalow and Tracey Carnazzo join Zac Amico and discuss Zac perfecting the "Karen" email, the high school football coaches suspended for making a Jewish student eat a pepperoni pizza, the school that gave a lecture about porn to teenagers, high school stories, the Australian cop caught groping a 13 year old, Little Women Of Atlanta, the Walmart employee that knocked out a customer, the husband who killed his wife on a cruise, their own cruise experiences, a special Happy Birthday to Brendan and so much more!

(Air Date: June 4th, 2021)

Support our sponsors!

YoKratom.com - Check out Yo Kratom (the home of the $60 kilo) for all your kratom needs!

Contact the show at RealAssOfficial@gmail.com!

Real Ass Podcast merchandise is available at https://podcastmerch.com/collections/real-ass-podcast

You can watch Real Ass Podcast LIVE for FREE every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11am ET at GaSDigitalNetwork.com/LIVE

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Derek Gaines

Brendan Sagalow

Tracey Carnazzo

Luis J. Gomez

Zac Amico

GaS Digital Network