Mysteries and Monsters: Episode 123 Monsters of the Tar Heel State with David Weatherly
May 10, 2021, 07:00 AM
David Weatherly's 5th book in his expanding State Monsters series takes us to one of the original 13 colonies, North Carolina, a state close to David's heart as he grew up here.
The Tar Heel state may not have the reputation of the some the USA's more notable cryptid hotbeds but you only have to mention the infamous case of the Beast of Bladenboro for people to take notice.
What is it about North Carolina that seems to be so favourable to some creature that we seem to have a population of mysterious predators that keep re-appearing every 20 years or so. Whilst the Beast of Bladenboro occurred in the 1950s, other flaps of creatures taking domestic animals has occurred worryingly regularity.
We also look at the numerous Black Panther sightings across the state going back decades as well as looking into North Carolina's most famous Bigfoot,a Knobby and discuss some of the witnesses that had some very interesting encounters with a large hairy creature over the last 50 years.
Of course, the Casey Hathaway case is also pondered upon as myself and David wonder just how a 3 year old boy could survive in sub-zero temperatures. Casey of course famously claimed a "bear" looked after him and kept him safe.
We also touch on Michael Green and his footage of what he claimed was a Bigfoot, lured to appear on a thermal, which you can watch here:
David's site is here:
A big thank you as always to David for his time, company and conversation.
Our Patreon is now live, with bonus content, early release of the regular show, articles and more. Join here now for the flat fee of $4 a month which is a bargain!
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All artwork by Dean Bestall and the show was produced by Brennan Storr of the Ghost Story Guys.
Mysteries and Monsters is a part of the Straight Up Strange Network
#DavidWeatherly #NorthCarolina #USA #TarHeelState #Bigfoot #Sasquatch #TheBeastofBladenboro #Bolivia #Raleigh #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #Monsters #CaseyHathaway #ABCs #BlackPanthers #SamShearon #JoshuaPWarren #MonstersoftheTarHeelState
The Tar Heel state may not have the reputation of the some the USA's more notable cryptid hotbeds but you only have to mention the infamous case of the Beast of Bladenboro for people to take notice.
What is it about North Carolina that seems to be so favourable to some creature that we seem to have a population of mysterious predators that keep re-appearing every 20 years or so. Whilst the Beast of Bladenboro occurred in the 1950s, other flaps of creatures taking domestic animals has occurred worryingly regularity.
We also look at the numerous Black Panther sightings across the state going back decades as well as looking into North Carolina's most famous Bigfoot,a Knobby and discuss some of the witnesses that had some very interesting encounters with a large hairy creature over the last 50 years.
Of course, the Casey Hathaway case is also pondered upon as myself and David wonder just how a 3 year old boy could survive in sub-zero temperatures. Casey of course famously claimed a "bear" looked after him and kept him safe.
We also touch on Michael Green and his footage of what he claimed was a Bigfoot, lured to appear on a thermal, which you can watch here:
David's site is here:
A big thank you as always to David for his time, company and conversation.
Our Patreon is now live, with bonus content, early release of the regular show, articles and more. Join here now for the flat fee of $4 a month which is a bargain!
Don't forget, you can now show your support with our Merchandise shop on Redbubble! Check it out here!
We are also now on Vburl - check us out here:
You can join us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as well.
You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel!
Email us at with any feedback, guest suggestions or if you'd like to appear.
All artwork by Dean Bestall and the show was produced by Brennan Storr of the Ghost Story Guys.
Mysteries and Monsters is a part of the Straight Up Strange Network
#DavidWeatherly #NorthCarolina #USA #TarHeelState #Bigfoot #Sasquatch #TheBeastofBladenboro #Bolivia #Raleigh #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #Monsters #CaseyHathaway #ABCs #BlackPanthers #SamShearon #JoshuaPWarren #MonstersoftheTarHeelState