Mysteries and Monsters: Episode 71 Gary Cunningham and Rob Cornes

Jun 15, 2020, 11:00 AM

This week I am delighted by joined by authors and investigators Gary Cunningham and Rob Cornes to discuss their newly updated book "Irish Aquatic Monsters:A Survey and Definitive Guide".   

The book is a must buy for anyone with an interest in Irish Folklore, Lake and Sea Monsters and Cryptozoology and Gary and Rob discuss their reasons for the book, how they came to collaborate with each other and the cases they've dove into . We also shine a light on a couple of Cryptozoologists who you may never have heard of! 

Ireland may not be the first place you think of for unusual creatures, but the country has a rich history of strange creatures being sighted across the country and Gary and Rob have left no stone unturned in this wonderful book.   

The authors have also created mini regional Field Guides, however this volume includes the aquatic mythology of Leinster as well as in-depth chapters covering the usual and unusual suspects; extant animal species which may have helped give rise to these legends in the first place, the dobhar-chu and the water-horse and its origins.

Each report location also has geo-spatial co-ordinates which can be viewed on Google maps via the authors Facebook page Irish Aquatic Monsters.   

You can join their Facebook group here:   

The book is available through Amazon here: 

Thank you to Gary and Rob for joining me.   

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#LakeMonsters #SeaMonsters #Ireland #Eire #GaryCunningham #RobCornes #Fortean #CFZ #JohnDownes #IrishAquaticMonsters #Dobhar-chú #KingOtter #Gaelic #HorseEels #WaterHorse #Connemara #BrennanStorr #StraightUpStrangeNetwork