Mysteries and Monsters: Episode 37 Stocksbridge Bypass with Dr David Clarke

Oct 31, 2019, 06:00 AM

Joining me on the second part of our Halloween special is English author, journalist, lecturer and investigator, Dr David Clarke.

Dr Clarke was the man who got the UK Government to release all its UFO files in the late 90s and early 00s but has covered a wide range of Fortean subjects over the years. We dive into one of the most well known modern ghost stories in the United Kingdom, that of the haunting of Stocksbridge Bypass, near my home town of Sheffield.

Yet the stories didn't begin when the bypass opened, ironically on Friday the 13th in May 1988, they began prior to it opening with construction workers be too scared to work alone or at night and culminated in two police officers having a night they would never forget.

We have exclusive clips from Dr Clarke's interviews with the officers at the time as well as other interviews with additional witnesses over the years. Whilst the modern version of this story seems to be a collection of fabricated experiences, exaggeration, and factually incorrect death tolls, something quite clearly has occurred for some witnesses.

Are you brave enough to separate truth from fiction with us on Halloween?

Dr. Clarkes website is here:

The article covering the Stocksbridge ghosts is here:

His most recent book on UFOs is here: 

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#StocksbridgeBypass #Ghosts #Monks #Children #Police #Sheffield #UK #DrDavidClarke #UFOs #Stocksbridge #UFOLORE #SheffieldHallamUniversity #SHU #SheffieldStar