Mysteries and Monsters: Episode 2 Lyle Blackburn
Apr 01, 2019, 08:08 PM
Mysteries and Monsters: Episode Two Lyle Blackburn March 18, 2019
In Episode Two, I'm joined by Lyle Blackburn, author, writer, narrator, musician and cryptozoologist.
Lyle has come to prominence with his work on the cases of the Lizard Man, the Beast of Boggy Creek and now his latest book, MoMo: The Strange Case of the Missouri Monster.
Throughout this period he has also worked alongside Small Town Monsters as a writer, producer and narrator on several productions.
We discuss Boggy Creek, Dogmen, Small Town Monsters, MoMo and Flying cryptids!
Email us at with any feedback, guest suggestions or if you'd like to appear.
Thanks for listening.
Thanks for listening.
#mysteriesandmonsters #lyleblackburn #bigfoot #brayroad #boggycreek #cryptozoology #monsters #sasquatch #Momo #Ghoultown #smalltownmonsters