Double Murder (A Look Into The Ronnie O'Neil Case)
Season 8, Episode 82, Jun 22, 2021, 04:00 AM
- Ludacris War With God
- The Migos Avalanche
- Papoose & Crooked I - Overrated
- Foxy Brown Ft Kaori - I Don't Care
DjEfsclusive opens up the show on a rant about what happened with her interview with recording artist Penn Simmons. She speaks on while working with him to make the interview happened she discovered that both he and she were placing support behind someone who does not actually support us for their own reasons that have nothing to do with either one of us. She then goes on to speak on fake friends and people fronting online but in actual reality, they have no intentions of being your friend. She speaks on people encouraging her to do things on the podcast that are against the podcast audience and her personal belief and that choice leading to discovering yet another fake connection.
- Big Pun Ft Nore - You Came Up
- CNN - Yall Don't Wanna
- CNN - Bang Bang
- Foxy Brown - My Life
DjEfsclusive Reacts To The Ronnie Oneil Case why you have to be careful who u speak to because you do not know what they may be going through or who they are affiliated with
- Foxy Brown Ft Total - I Cant
- Foxy Brown Ft Black Street - Get You Home
- Foxy Brown - 730
- Foxy Brown Ft Baby Cham - Run Dem
The Conclusion of the Ronnie Oneil Case
Rapidfire Nothinness
- Young MA - Beat Box
- Pooh Shiesty Ft Durk - In Blood
- Lil Wayne Sure Thing