#HotelMars: Ice skating on the gigantic Galilean moon Ganymede. Planetary Society. David Livingston SpaceShow.com

Jun 22, 2021, 01:20 AM

Photo: Ganymede. 
            In Greek legend, the son of Tros (or Laomedon), king of Troy. Because of his unusual beauty, he was carried off either by the gods or by Zeus, disguised as an eagle, or, according to a Cretan account, by Minos, to serve as cupbearer.
           Ganymede, a satellite of Jupiter (Jupiter III), is the largest and most massive of the Solar System's moons. The ninth-largest object in the Solar System, it is the largest without a substantial atmosphere.

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#HotelMars: Ice skating on the gigantic Galilean moon Ganymede. David Grinspoon @Funkyspoon Planetary Society. David Livingston SpaceShow.com
