Baseball Gods, Music Gods, Ghosts, UFOs, Reincarnation - Jonathan Fink

Jun 25, 2021, 02:00 PM

"Everyone has a role and an instrument to play. As world religions and their followers increasingly find more common ground with each other - such as their love for music - humanity's orchestra will increasingly create harmonious music together." - Jonathan Fink

Beyond the paranormal and the metaphysics we highlighted in this interview, the real story is Synchronicity - a play by play.

If you have ever wondered what it might be like to trust the journey and follow your hunches. symbols, signs, patterns and codes - this is what it is like to be open to the possibilities - that each action is relevant and all encounters have purpose. 

Follow along with Jonathan Fink - in his documentation of the ongoing journey [over the past 5 years] - related on case by case basis throughout multiple volumes of The Baseball Gods are Real and The Music Gods are Real.

Amazon Reader Review: Great Book, "Ah yes the age old question of are the baseball gods real? This book may not give you the perfect answer you are looking for, but I know it will help show you how the universe plays a part not only in baseball, but in our everyday lives. After reading this book I quickly learned why the baseball gods brought this book to me and maybe you can too. Great Book and I am looking forward to reading Vol.2 of this 3 Vol. Series!"

Fascinating - how Jonathan engages with just the right person or piece of information in his various interactions along the way. Even when others might be doubtful - Jonathan remains strong in his mindset - that whatever the outcome - it will work in his favor.

We learn a lot through his adventures and see just how effectively the mindset he demonstrates delivers {in some cases - miraculous} manifest and credible results.

Amazon Author Page: Jonathan Fink.