7th August 2021 - Tech News & Reviews on BBC Berkshire

Aug 08, 2021, 12:26 AM

Fevzi Turkalp, the Gadget Detective, joins Bill Buckley on BBC Berkshire to discuss the latest tech news. This week; Apple face criticism over new features in their upcoming operating systems, chiefly their plan to scan users' devices for known child sex abuse images without consent or a police warrant. This raises questions over users' privacy and whether the same algorithm used to identify these photos could also be used for other purposes, such as by governments to identify dissidents.

Gadget of the Week is Tom Tom Go Discover 7. This satnav sports a larger 7" screen and features a decent touch screen display, good quality audio, two hour battery life, maps covering the world, includes a good car mount, up-to-the-minute local fuel prices, parking space availability, speed camera alerts. Also available in a smaller 6" model, this scored 4 out of 5. Listen in for more details.

You can hear Fevzi on BBC Berkshire every Saturday morning around midday and can follow and contact him on Twitter @gadgetdetective
