#ClassicGaius&Germanicus: August 13, 2021: #Londinium90AD. Debating withdrawing from the frontiers of the empire, 1st century and 21st century. Michael Vlahos, Johns Hopkins @JHUWorldCrisis
Sep 05, 2021, 03:32 AM
Photo: The Imperial Gavotte
#ClassicGaius&Germanicus: August 13, 2021: #Londinium90AD. Debating withdrawing from the frontiers of the empire, 1st century and 21st century. Michael Vlahos, Johns Hopkins @JHUWorldCrisis
#ClassicGaius&Germanicus: August 13, 2021: #Londinium90AD. Debating withdrawing from the frontiers of the empire, 1st century and 21st century. Michael Vlahos, Johns Hopkins @JHUWorldCrisis