Why Psychonauts 2 is the most important game of 2021

Season 16, Episode 1164,   Sep 16, 2021, 07:00 AM

Roundtable discussion about why Psychonauts 2 is the most important game this year. Special guests: From G4TV, Riana Manuel and Cohost of The Save Point, Alyssa. #Psychonauts2

Danny is going to be teaching all about podcasting exclusively on Bright. Let's celebrate International Podcast Day by leveling up your show. We'll discuss ad sponsors, media kits and how to make money with your podcast. BONUS: some special surprises for a few lucky attendees!

Reserve your spot now! Int'l Podcast Day: How to Get Paid to Podcast - Date: Thursday, 9/30 at 5:30pm PST. https://brightlive.com/danny-pena/int'l-podcast-day:-how-to-get-paid-to-podcast/wuqd7vm9x6W3nzqpt6J6

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