Mysteries and Monsters: Episode 141 The Hunt For Bigfoot with Shelly Covington-Montana

Sep 13, 2021, 07:00 AM

On this week's show I am delighted to be joined by researcher, investigator and experiencer, Shelly Covington-Montana. Shelly is a native Texas who Is known as a wilderness and wildlife enthusiast with a passion for conservation and preservation. Her search for the truth has committed her to constantly improving her education thru the Citizen Sciences.

Shelly is a Level II Certified Wildlife Tracker. She is also in constant work on Citizen Science Wildlife DNA kits. As of late She doing the term Sasquatch Alba Vernix, also created the Sasquatch Alba Vernix DNA and Latent Print Kit. 

We discuss how she became interested in the subject, thanks to an unnerving event that happened to her husband, the work she has done in the field, working with the Olympic Project and discusses her strange experiences that happened to her during a trip to the Pacific Northwest. 

Shelly has kindly provided the audio from these two events which we discuss in the show.
A big thank you to Shelly for joining me this week. 

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All artwork by Dean Bestall and the show was produced by Brennan Storr of the Ghost Story Guys.      

Mysteries and Monsters is a part of the Straight Up Strange Network.  

#Bigfoot #Sasquatch #ShellyCovingtonMontana #Encounters #Witnesses #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #TheOlympicProject #USA #Texas #WoodKnocks #Howls #AlbaVernixDNA