Mike Ellwood of Net Zero Infrastructure explains their clean and renewable energy acquisition strategy
Episode 356, Sep 23, 2021, 12:24 PM
Mike Ellwood, Chairman of recently listed Net Zero Infrastructure #NZI explains the strategy to acquire a company or business in the clean and renewable energy sectors.
Mike Ellwood, Chairman of recently listed Net Zero Infrastructure #NZI explains the strategy to acquire a company or business in the clean and renewable energy sectors.
Company highlights
Net Zero Infrastructure PLC was formed as a special purpose acquisition company with the intention to acquire renewable or clean energy technology companies and to finance, develop and promote those environmentally sound projects internationally.
The Company believes that due to the highly visible global concerns regarding environmental damage and climate change as a result of fossil-fuelled power generation, there exists considerable commercial opportunities in the renewable and clean energy sector which will play an increasingly significant role in meeting future energy needs while reducing further environmental damage.
Clean energy investment globally has grown in real and relative terms. It is this opportunity which Net Zero Infrastructure intends to participate in and augment as a fund-raising vehicle for enterprises seeking access to international markets.
About Net Zero Infrastructure
Net Zero Infrastructure PLC is a company incorporated in England and Wales, formed for the purpose of acquiring a company or business in the clean and renewable energy sectors, that it would develop and grow. The Company’s objective is to acquire a business, company, asset or project in the clean and renewable energy sectors in order to generate an attractive rate of return for Shareholders. In the first instance, the Company is seeking to make an acquisition within approximately 24 months of Admission ( “Admission”) to the Standard List of the London Stock Exchange.
Net Zero Infrastructure PLC is a company incorporated in England and Wales, formed for the purpose of acquiring a company or business in the clean and renewable energy sectors, that it would develop and grow. The Company’s objective is to acquire a business, company, asset or project in the clean and renewable energy sectors in order to generate an attractive rate of return for Shareholders. In the first instance, the Company is seeking to make an acquisition within approximately 24 months of Admission ( “Admission”) to the Standard List of the London Stock Exchange.