Atlanta's Ripper
On this weeks episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys start the show off talking about how US private rocket company SpaceX has announced that two private citizens have paid to be sent around the Moon. The mission is planned for late 2018, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said, adding that the tourists "have already paid a significant deposit". "This presents an opportunity for humans to return to deep space for the first time in 45 years," he said. The two unnamed people will fly aboard a spaceship which is set for its first unmanned test flight later this year. Mr Musk said the co-operation of America's Nasa space agency had made the plan possible. He said the two passengers "will travel faster and further into the solar system than any before them". Mr Musk declined to reveal their identities, only saying that they knew each other and that "it's nobody from Hollywood". Then, Military bigwigs gathered in Orlando this week for the annual AirWarfare Symposium to discuss big plans for big weapons that do big damage. According to a report, the biggest unfunded project that U.S. Special Operations Command hopes to push through is a C-130 that’s equipped with a power laser weapon.
Then, a Cumberand County, PA, witness reported an unusual series of “huge, bright, round lights” beaming to the ground level near her property with no sound that appeared to get her dog’s attention, according to testimony in Cases 82026 and 82029 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.Case was reported February 12, 2017, for an incident that occurred about 1:30 a.m. on November 15, 2016. Then, a young mother living in York, UK, says that her flat is haunted by an evil spirit. In fact it has been scratched her before. Now she want's to leave but the landlord will not let her out of her lease.
After the break Kyle brings up the story of Atlanta's very on Jack the Ripper case of 1911. For four years in Atlanta, beginning in 1911, someone terrorized the African American community and became known as the Atlanta Ripper, a play off the name of the famous London killer in the Whitechapel district in the late 1800s known as "Jack the Ripper." For those four years, an unknown killer, or as some put it, killers, roamed the dark streets of Atlanta, preying upon young African American women, as well as some of mixed race. The list of victims swelled to over 20 people, as the city was in the grips of fear over where and against whom the fiend would strike next.
Thanks for listening to Expanded Perspectives!
Show Notes:- SpaceX to fly two tourists around Moon in 2018
- Air Force Leaders Say It's High Time Our Planes Shoot Deadly Lasers
- Pennsylvania witness reports unusual lights ‘beaming to ground’
- Evil Spirits Scratch and Torment Woman and her Young Son
- Atlanta's Jack the Ripper
All music for Expanded Perspectives is provided by Pretty Lights. Purchase, Download and Donate at
Songs Used:- Pretty Lights vs. Led Zeppelin
- Empty Station
- So Much In The Dark
- Understand Me Now