#HotelMars: No warning of the bolide and then extreme disarticulation, 1650 BCE. David Livingston, SpaceShow.com. Malcolm LeCompte, CometResearchGroup.org
Oct 22, 2021, 01:11 AM
Photo: Bolide from "L'Espace céleste et la nature tropicale, description physique de l'univers ... préface de M. Babinet, dessins de Yan' Dargent"
CBS Eye on the World with John Batchelor
CBS Audio Network
#HotelMars: No warning of the bolide and then extreme disarticulation, 1650 BCE. David Livingston, SpaceShow.com. Malcolm LeCompte, CometResearchGroup.org
CBS Eye on the World with John Batchelor
CBS Audio Network
#HotelMars: No warning of the bolide and then extreme disarticulation, 1650 BCE. David Livingston, SpaceShow.com. Malcolm LeCompte, CometResearchGroup.org