Visions of A Squid Game Are Here

Episode 268,   Oct 22, 2021, 08:00 AM


Will you start on offense, or on defense? What would you give up to play the Squid Game? That's the real question here! Before the games start, maybe you should grab your lightsaber or your Chucky doll and hit the playground to practice your moves. Red or blue, it's all up to you!

The fall weather has settled in nicely and in this spoopy season the boys have gathered again around the computer screen... erm... the recording studio to discuss the past month of pop culture and they've got some great topics to share with you! After a well placed Back To The Future reference, they jump into the first topic, Star Wars Visions on Disney+. What did the boys think about this new anime style anthology series about the beloved Lucasfilms property and does it match up with what you thought? Chime in to let them know! From there the boys get cursed in the body of a Child's Play thing with Syfy's newest gay rights icon, Chucky! After that, the boys get ready to shed some tears with the help of Bob the Drag QueenShangela, and Eureka as they discuss the second season premiere of HBO's We're Here. Have you watched this season yet? Did you ugly cry or has your soul turned to ash? Let the boys know what you think of this new season on social media! Once the boys get back from a brief station identification they tackle the final topic of the month and it's one of (if not THE) top watched programs from NetflixSquid Game! The boys dive into the premise, the dub versus sub debate, and whether or not any of the characters were redeemable throughout the show. Pat for sure has some thoughts and questions after binging the entirety of Squid Game in one day. Have you watched the show yet? What would you do for a second season of Squid Game if you were in charge? Sound off in the comments! As always, the boys close out the show with the things that are giving them life, their 1-UPs!

Sit back and get ready to FLAME ON!

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