QROT-24: Expert cardiologist confirming my points, plus developments

Nov 30, 2021, 09:17 PM

Reporting on information given by an official expert, a cardiologist, whose brain is NOT up his rear end regarding the current situation. 

1. Persistence in the human body, of the worst part of the "problem," that "science" then made the ONLY part of "the solution."
2.  Something even my highly-suspicious mind did not even SUSPECT about the "booster." It's the exact same formulation as the first two shots. No update whatsoever. 
3. McCullough (the expert) gives specifics to my previously explained concepts that the "solution" is entirely too narrow to have continued beneficial effects.
4. Children as forced customers - the hell-worthy rationalization of "no safety data? No problem." And the idea that EXISTING documents should not be released in whole, for the scientific community to parse.
5. Swelling of the heart in the young (guess what - natural immunity doesn't cause that). Guess what does. And guess what happens if you keep believing the lie and take "more" of the solution.
6. Heart attacks: Guess what - natural immunity doesn't cause that. Guess what does. 

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