How to make tasty Low Carb Snacks and Stay on your Keto and Anti-inflammatory Nutritional Plan
Season 1, Episode 143, Dec 20, 2021, 06:00 PM
Staying on your nutritional plan for an anti-inflammatory and low carb lifestyle has its challenges. There are tasty and easy snacks to enjoy and today we will discuss our favorites from baked low carb egg rolls to air frying treats. There are many options out there and sometimes we just need a few helpful hints to help our meal prep.
During the holiday season many parties and events all are all about. Are you having difficulty of knowing what to bring and stay on your nutritional plan? We willl discuss motivation and positive thinking as we walk through this journey together. Tune in with your @everydayhealthhacker, Dr. Liza Leal and Mike Herzing from Let's talk Wheels a nationally syndicated radio and podcast host. Will discuss positive attitudes and We hope you will like, comment and subscribe and check out our website for meals and treats at