Made In The Eternals' Image

Episode 277,   Dec 03, 2021, 09:00 AM


Time. Space. Deviants. Eternals. Dive into the massive space opera where titans live among man with the intent of helping to ensure the human race's advancement. But what does that mean when they won't help to stop some of the most terrifying atrocities from happening? Maybe just add a Kit Bit to the story and you'll find out the answer!

In the beginning... *cue dramatic text scroll* ...wait, no that's not how this is supposed to go. The boys have joined Arishem the Judge to not only create the next Eternals in their image, but to discuss the newest entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel's Eternals! To kick off this episode BeeJay, Erik, and Pat dip their toes into the one topic that's on everyone's lips... the trailer for Clifford The Big Red Dog. Yes, really. After a quick tangent about trailers that hit them in the feels, the boys quickly roll into the first segment of the show, the positive takeaways from this movie. After a quick break for station identification, the boys cannonball into the parts of the movie and plot that maybe didn't whet their appetite in the way they had hoped. From there, there's only one thing left to do... throw the wildest of conjecture out into the universe! The boys will give their hot takes on what they think is going to happen next in this massive space epic (and if their speculation doesn't actually happen, then they reserve the right to be mad and vocal on the internet!) as well as chime in with their FLAME RATINGS for the film!

Sit back and get ready to FLAME ON!

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