Dive & Dig In Depth - Stella Demesticha and Cynthianne Spiteri

Dec 06, 2021, 07:00 PM

Join maritime archaeologist, Stella Demesticha from the University of Cyprus to hear what she has found on the Mazotos shipwreck off the coast of Cyprus.  She describes amphorae – ceramic containers of the ancient world - what they contained and how they were made.  Together with Cynthianne Spiteri – a scientist who analyses lipids,  oil and fat compounds from inside amphorae, they are able to identify what containers found on a 2500-year-old Phoenician shipwreck, were carrying.  This in turn can tell us about the origin of the cargo and the trading routes of ancient merchants.  
#shipwrecks #amphorae #science #maritimearchaeology #underwater #scuba #diving #cyprus #heritage