Resurrections Of A Year Gone By

Episode 279,   Dec 31, 2021, 09:00 AM


Is that a Pym tech arrow flying by or just a glitch in the Matrix? Don't let the revelations or the resurrections of the past year slow you down as you make your way to the ball drop and the change of the year to 2022! Whether your life has been Encanto-fied or you need a new perspective, it's a whole new year waiting for you today!

So this is Christm... wait, no, we're past Christmas and ready for the ball to drop as the boys ring in 2022! The past year has both felt like its flown by AND been the longest three years ever, but that means that there is plenty of pop culture to dish about at our round table. Kicking the episode off is BeeJay's review of the new Disney animated film, Encanto! From its loveable characters (even the ones you don't talk about) to the melodious soundtrack by Lin Manuel Miranda to Alan Tudyk's role as a bird (because of course he's a bird), you'll find out what made this film so enchanting to our boys. From there the conversation turns to the digital when Erik changes his code and dives into The Wachowski's latest installment to The Matrix trilio... wait... there can't be four films in a trilogy... until NOW! The boys dish on The Matrix Resurrections and if it lives up to its predecessors, if it's worth the hype, and if the Catrix might have been a better fit. After that, Pat takes you to the planet Eternia for the Kevin Smith helmed continuation of Masters of the Universe: Revelations. Can a show where (spoiler alert!) He-Man is killed in the first episode live up to the expectations thrust upon it like the Sword of Power? Listen in to find out! After a brief pause for station identification, Bryan rounds out the month in pop culture with a deep dive into the world of Hawk Guy... nope, that can't be right. Oh, it's Hawkeye! Marvel TV is back with close out the year with another stellar outing and the boys are ready to see the resurrections of multiple characters from shows gone by (and maybe a reimagining that we didn't see coming!). To close out the show, the boys chat about their picks for some of the favorite pop culture items of 2021! It's been an amazing year and we thank you for being on this journey with us! Have a safe and happy new year everyone! 

Sit back and get ready to FLAME ON!

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