Episode 122 - Discover the Joy of Daring to Dance Through Midlife

Episode 122,   Feb 16, 2022, 08:24 PM


When changes occur in midlife they can hit us for a six. Bettina Deda shares how she found the courage to make enormous changes in her life and live of life filled with dance and joy.

Episode 122 
Bettina Deda

Bettina Deda is a content writer and storyteller. Born and raised in Germany where she worked for 16 years in public relations. In 2008, she moved to Australia with my husband and two boys (6 and 3 years old) and started a new chapter of her life. 
 She is the author of ‘Downsize with Style’ and wrote about her life in her book called ‘Dare to Dance’. The first chapter of her memoir got recently published in The Turning Point, it is an anthology of moments that changed people's lives. 
Bettina helps entrepreneurs capture their stories, ideas, and passions and share their products and services with authenticity and integrity.

In this episode Bettina shares her life experiences as she talks about the defining moments of change and that we have two options:
 1. We use them as a springboard to change, to explore new opportunities
 2. We condemn ourselves and become a victim of the circumstances in our life. 

She is on a mission to inspire women to celebrate midlife, to dare to dance, and to find their truth. Listen to this interview to learn how she encourages women to tune into their bodies and follow their intuition rather than seeking valuation from others or society. 

She understands how in midlife, women can feel that they become invisible and helps them discover their purpose and live a happy and fulfilled life. Bettina explains how to find the courage, trust, and faith required to step out of your comfort zone.

This podcast is for all women but particularly those in midlife who are feeling lost and disconnected.

PH: 0424615503
EMAIL: bettina@bettinadeda.com

#businesscoach, #relationsips, #midlife, #podcastforwomen, #podcast, #courage,

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