E.P.P. S01 EP04 EPP's interview w/ Adrian and Tina Scalf

Season 1, Episode 4,   Jan 07, 2022, 12:19 AM


I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year's eve and day! It was awesome here. This interview is part 2 with the fantaboolous couple Adrian and Tina Scalf of River Valley Paranormal Research and Investigation.

WHAT'S UP ALL YOU AWESOMENESS PARA-GEEKSTERS!!!  I hope you para-peeps are hangin' in there.   This interview is part 2 with the fantaboolous couple Adrian and Tina Scalf of River Valley Paranormal Research and Investigation. The blog will be up soon, bear with me.  Workin' on it I promise. These two are the most wonderful people.  Awesome investigators and interesting stories!  You should absolutely listen in to their show!

I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year's eve and day!  It was awesome here.  I'll have to write something about it.  So much to do and only 24 hours in a day to do it in.  Been busy with editing and making flyers and logos, it's been so crae!  I'm lovin' every minute of it!  I'm uploading part 3 for this amazing couple after this one so those bingers out there can listen to a few hours... and I'll be posting the rest of what I got tonight... 

Stay tuned next Thursday for my True Crime segment!   Had a few people tell me they liked it when they heard it live.  Yay!

Want to reach out to me?  You can send me a voicemail through Anchor.fm.  You can also leave me a message on my website, or through the book of faces.  You can also check out the upcoming blogs that will be posted on the website. Thank you all for waiting as long as you have for these upcoming shows. :) If you have questions for any of the previous guests you are free to ask and I'll answer them in upcoming episodes.  Thanks again an all take care!

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