Business Bite - Discover Why People Will Buy From You
Season 2, Episode 26, May 04, 2022, 01:16 AM
In this episode, we have discussed that the aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.
An extract from 'Good Girls do Sell'
CHAPTER 2 - The Solution is W.I.I.F.M.
“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.”
Peter Drucker
What’s In It For Me appeals directly to the attention and decision-making functions of the human brain. The Amygdala, a part of the brain which rules much of our actions and behaviour.
The Amygdala determines in a fraction of a second what we pay attention to. It will pay no attention at all unless it can immediately see W.I.I.F.M.
What’s In It For Me? That question drives almost every decision we make. From the moment we wake up in the morning, “What’s in it for me” is the subconscious mantra playing quietly in the back of our heads all day long. These five words help us choose what clothes to wear, what food to eat, what people to hang around with, what movie to watch, and so on. They also help us evaluate risks: do we dare walk across that fallen log, do we try to make that traffic light, do we ask for a raise, do we make those business calls, do we get a dog, do we find a new job.
What you are selling and what your clients buy are two different things.
CHAPTER 2 - The Solution is W.I.I.F.M.
“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.”
Peter Drucker
What’s In It For Me appeals directly to the attention and decision-making functions of the human brain. The Amygdala, a part of the brain which rules much of our actions and behaviour.
The Amygdala determines in a fraction of a second what we pay attention to. It will pay no attention at all unless it can immediately see W.I.I.F.M.
What’s In It For Me? That question drives almost every decision we make. From the moment we wake up in the morning, “What’s in it for me” is the subconscious mantra playing quietly in the back of our heads all day long. These five words help us choose what clothes to wear, what food to eat, what people to hang around with, what movie to watch, and so on. They also help us evaluate risks: do we dare walk across that fallen log, do we try to make that traffic light, do we ask for a raise, do we make those business calls, do we get a dog, do we find a new job.
What you are selling and what your clients buy are two different things.