Business Bite - How to Pitch for Profit
Season 2, Episode 27, May 11, 2022, 01:21 AM
In this episode, we have learned that being able to pitch your business with confidence gives you credibility and a convincing degree of ownership.
An extract from 'Good Girls do Sell'
CHAPTER 2 - The Devil is in the Details of the Pitch
“You get what you pitch for and you’re always pitching”
Matthew Michalewicz
Once you are clear on your customer’s reasons for purchasing, you will be able to obtain clarity to craft a business/social pitch that reflects what you do in the best possible fashion. A powerful pitch can deliver opportunities that will gain you new clients and open doors to future joint ventures.
Being able to pitch your business with confidence gives you credibility and a convincing degree of ownership. The most common pitch we all partake in is a social pitch. The pitch you use in casual settings should be your default answer to the question ‘What do you do?” Its objective is merely to spark enough interest in the listener to be motivated in continuing a conversation.
Your social pitch should be memorised – it should be fluid and change with the circumstance – it should be repeatable and it should not contain your entire proposition. If you put too much into it, you will sound like you’re desperate and selling. Be casual, but clear.
I find many people usually include fancy words and impressive titles when they develop a social pitch. Remember it is not about you but what your customer will understand and value. Imagine you are pitching to a 12-year-old.
CHAPTER 2 - The Devil is in the Details of the Pitch
“You get what you pitch for and you’re always pitching”
Matthew Michalewicz
Once you are clear on your customer’s reasons for purchasing, you will be able to obtain clarity to craft a business/social pitch that reflects what you do in the best possible fashion. A powerful pitch can deliver opportunities that will gain you new clients and open doors to future joint ventures.
Being able to pitch your business with confidence gives you credibility and a convincing degree of ownership. The most common pitch we all partake in is a social pitch. The pitch you use in casual settings should be your default answer to the question ‘What do you do?” Its objective is merely to spark enough interest in the listener to be motivated in continuing a conversation.
Your social pitch should be memorised – it should be fluid and change with the circumstance – it should be repeatable and it should not contain your entire proposition. If you put too much into it, you will sound like you’re desperate and selling. Be casual, but clear.
I find many people usually include fancy words and impressive titles when they develop a social pitch. Remember it is not about you but what your customer will understand and value. Imagine you are pitching to a 12-year-old.