Business Bite - Be The Sales Authority In Your Business

Season 2, Episode 28,   May 25, 2022, 01:23 AM


In this episode, we have talked about how to be the sales authority in your business. Without sales, you have no business.

An extract from 'Good Girls do Sell'
CHAPTER 2 - Confidence 101

Without sales, you have no business. And for most starting a new business there are often no funds to employ a sales team.  As well as the CEO, CFO, designer, bookkeeper, marketing guru, whether you like it or not, you also need to become the sales expert in your business.

1. Develop a positive self-image
Develop a positive self-image by believing you are an expert in your field.  
2. Gain Clarity 
For many people, the source of their lack of confidence is confusion over what you do.  Gaining clarity in this area does provide a massive boost to confidence.
3. Learn the skills 
It seems ridiculous to think that someone would fly a plane without first learning the skill-set required.  Find information on selling by attending courses, in books, podcasts etc, and being mentored by someone who has had success in the field.
4. Practice 
Like learning any new skill, the sales process is often uncomfortable at first. 
5. Expect Success 
Start to visualise what success would look like. Set some goals and imagine achieving them and how that would feel.