A Plumber's Advice That Changed My Sex Life Forever!
Episode 27, Jan 25, 2022, 04:54 PM
The unnecessary truth is that the fire dies in most long-term relationships.
The most uncomfortable truth for men to face is that it is most often the woman who first loses interest in sex. Why is this so?
A simple concept exists that will support you creating uncommon levels of lasting sexual attraction and passionate connection in your relationship. It centres around understanding a core difference between how masculine and feminine sexual centres get turned on.
The core of this concept was first indirectly explained to me by a plumber! Learning to burn masculine fire as you boil feminine water is the path to infinite bliss you never knew could exist. Let’s begin…
Check out www.kingsoffreedom.me
The most uncomfortable truth for men to face is that it is most often the woman who first loses interest in sex. Why is this so?
A simple concept exists that will support you creating uncommon levels of lasting sexual attraction and passionate connection in your relationship. It centres around understanding a core difference between how masculine and feminine sexual centres get turned on.
The core of this concept was first indirectly explained to me by a plumber! Learning to burn masculine fire as you boil feminine water is the path to infinite bliss you never knew could exist. Let’s begin…
Check out www.kingsoffreedom.me