Damned in the Desert with Mercedez Lucke Benedict Part 1

Season 3, Episode 150,   Jan 31, 2022, 10:00 AM

#damnedinthedesert #maranaAZ #arizona #death #murder #military #heroes #neardeathexperience #spirits #caraccidents #survival #paranormal #supernatural #tdf

In the first episode of this two parter series, Mercedez discusses two near fatal car accidents that changed her life forever. She shares with us deaths that occurred on her property long ago...including when the Jolly Green Giant blew up in the air and crashed onto her land, and where a demented killer murders a couple on the land. You definitely do not want to miss out what she has to share!


Intro song courtesy of the lovely Bobby Mackey

Featuring Mercedez Lucke Benedict

The pictures in the cover photo was provided by the lovely Mercedez Lucke