Paul Hill on when will the negative sentiment turn? Plus Stocks to Follow
Episode 547, Feb 05, 2022, 11:57 AM
Paul Hill, full time investor and equity analyst talks about what's happening to equities? And when will today's negative sentiment turn?
Companies mentioned include:
Purplebricks #PURP XP Factory #XPF Cake Box #CBOX Avacta #AVCT Lunglife AI. #LLAI Venture Life #LVG Revolution Beauty #REVB Amryt Pharma #AMYT Rosslyn Data Technologies #RDT Belluscura #BELL Getec #GTC Biome Technologies #BIOM
Purplebricks #PURP XP Factory #XPF Cake Box #CBOX Avacta #AVCT Lunglife AI. #LLAI Venture Life #LVG Revolution Beauty #REVB Amryt Pharma #AMYT Rosslyn Data Technologies #RDT Belluscura #BELL Getec #GTC Biome Technologies #BIOM