Koi Sports Special Podcast; Bombs Over Breakfast (Ukrainian Exodus)

Episode 38,   Feb 25, 2022, 06:00 AM

When Russia chose to wage war on the Ukraine on the 24th February 2022, Chris Lomas of the Hope4 Charity was sat with his wife at the breakfast table listening as Russian missiles were fired into the Ukraine not 20 miles from his home.

Chris took the time out of his busy schedule to join Koi Sports CIC on this special Podcast to provide a fascinating insight into what it's like to have feet on the ground within a country preparing itself to cope with humanitarian disaster.

The Hope4 Charity will be providing support for the Ukrainian families who overnight became refugees, forced out of their homes and across the border into Moldova.

Please give generously to support the work of the Hope4 Charity by visiting their website using this link.